Last week brought some noticeable changes for us. We went for a walk one day at lunch time up the hill to the bench by the temple and SURPRISE! Flowers were blooming all along the path. The sun warmed us and the flowers brought hope for the end of the cool weather.
These days it is feeling much like it did when we arrived a year ago, July 21st. We know we can handle the rest - we know what to expect. Weather-wise at least.
The next big change came when we arrived at the office one morning and found a new car parked in our parking spot. We really have liked our little blue Kia, but it was time, I guess, for the trade in, so here we are, suffering with a brand new Nissan Tiida. It is larger than the Kia, though, and somewhat of a challenge to park in the office parking terrace. But Elder Wells is doing great and beginning to like the new wheels. (I'm still not driving. Call me chicken if you want to.)
Here we are as we picked up the car from the washing bay. The next picture is in our parking garage at Dukes Court. I don't know if I told you that we were given a new parking stall that is so easy to get in and out of. We are very grateful. The first one was so tight!
Check out the license plate. Y Jr. I may be able to remember this one. Go BYU! The GP stants for Gauteng Provence
Hurray for spring! Nice new car and parking spot too. Thanks for the great blog reports!
Found your blog on Carin's postings. What a wonderful experience you are having there in Africa! Thanks for sharing! We have so much and need to be so grateful. The people's simple yet amazingly strong testimonies strengthen me and make me want to strive harder to know the Savior!
Love you! Patty
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