Monday, April 27, 2009

Tembisa Ward Primary

We are attending the Tembisa Ward and one day I took these shots of the children and primary president. This is the primary room.

I am always fascinated with the way these wonderful mothers carry their babies on their backs. This is the primary president, Sister Felleng Mashishi.

You can see from the front the little fellow’s feet on either side of his mommy. I asked her how she gets the baby so securely on her back and even though the baby was asleep by the time I asked she proceeded to undo him and show me how it is done. She unwrapped him, put him back down on the ground, and then pulled him up onto her back and pulled the cloth up over them.

After she fastened it in front she pulled the bottom of the blanket around his little body and fastened that. Can you see the large safety pin in her mouth?

And there you have it. He didn't even wake up.


Anonymous said...

Gayle, I know how you love Primary. I always loved observing Primary wherever I traveled too. Their leaders often have so little to work with.

A mother once wrapped her baby on my back!

You look healthy and happy. May it be every so. Love, Margie

jayne wells said...

How amazing. I'd love to learn that. But I cannot believe he stayed asleep! What a beauty she is!

Carin said...

Except for the aching back she must get, I envy the undisturbable baby. Pretty neat trick.