Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Fall Afternoon in Johannesburg

One day we had our minds full of a big presentation we were trying to put together and so we went to the Botanical Garden for a “walk and talk”.

Besides, we wanted to experience a little of the beauties of autumn in Johannesburg.
We spend so much time indoors that we needed an afternoon outside in the fresh air.

We saw all these acorns on the ground but could not figure out where they were coming from. Then we found the sign on the tree that said this is an oak tree. You couldn't tell it from the leaves, could you?

And how about that happy face having just learned something new ?

Another tree that we were fascinated with was this long needled pine. Much like a Ponderosa. The trees are tall and just full of needles draping the ends of their branches.

This park is such a beautiful place. It is so calming and healthy for us to go there. We should go more often.

It gets dark early these days and we chanced to capture this lovely sky and then a magnificent African sunset just as we were leaving.

What a nice ending to our walk in park.


J Wells said...

oh my gosh, those skies! and leaves! and handsome models!

but umm... it's not autumn. don't know if anyone filled you in, but it's may... which is the very height of spring.

sooo... right.

Anita Wells said...

so lovely! hard to believe as we enter summer full swing here.
despot jed--love your new profile pic.

jayne wells said...


Carin said...

I'm continually impressed by the experiences you two have. So glad the conference went well and happy to see you enjoying not only the spiritually enriching service you offer, but the R&R together. Sounds like a healthy diet to me.

BTW, Jed, from your pic it looks like you should reconsider your dieting strategies...I'm just saying.